<aside> 📔 Classification of OCD


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) encompasses various subtypes, each characterized by specific obsessions and compulsions. Some of the common types of OCD include:

  1. Contamination OCD: This subtype involves intense fear of contamination or germs. Individuals may excessively wash their hands, avoid touching certain objects, or engage in elaborate cleaning rituals to alleviate their anxiety.
  2. Checking OCD: People with checking OCD have intrusive thoughts that something terrible will happen if they fail to check things repeatedly. They may repeatedly check locks, appliances, or other items to ensure safety or prevent harm.
  3. Symmetry and Ordering OCD: This subtype involves a strong need for symmetry, exactness, and organization. Individuals may feel compelled to arrange objects symmetrically, follow rigid routines, or align items precisely to alleviate anxiety or discomfort.
  4. Intrusive Thought OCD: This type involves recurrent and distressing intrusive thoughts or mental images that go against the individual's moral or ethical values. These thoughts may be violent, sexual, or blasphemous in nature, causing significant distress and leading to compulsive behaviors or mental rituals to neutralize the thoughts.
  5. Hoarding OCD: Individuals with hoarding OCD have difficulty discarding possessions, leading to excessive clutter and an overwhelming sense of attachment to items. This can significantly impact their living space and daily functioning.

It's important to note that these subtypes can overlap, and individuals may experience symptoms from multiple categories. OCD is a complex and heterogeneous disorder, and a thorough assessment by a mental health professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Takeaways // There are some types that relate to the physical reality around a patient. Through this project, I would like to help

<aside> 📖 Symptoms of OCD


Takeaways // Within the scope of this project, it might be difficult to emulate the long term & psychological symptoms of phobias. But certain physical effects may be emulated via various stimuli (visual and auditory).

<aside> ❓ Exposure Therapy


Exposure therapy is a form of cognitive behavior therapy that involves gradually exposing the patient to the situation that triggers their OCD, in a safe and controlled environment. The goal is to help the patient become more comfortable with the situation, and to learn coping strategies to manage their symptoms. This can be an effective treatment for OCD, particularly the contamination, checking and symmetry categories, and can be used in conjunction with medication. By gradually increasing exposure to the OCD trigger, the patient can learn to manage their symptoms, and eventually overcome their phobia altogether.